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Controller to deploy the Conduktor Platform on Kubernetes.


Configure Conduktor Helm repository

$ helm repo add conduktor
$ helm search repo conduktor

Run the Platform controller

To install the chart with the release name platform:

$ helm install -n conduktor --create-namespace platform conduktor/platform-controller \
   --set platform.config.organization=YOUR_ORGANIZATION \
   --set \
   --set platform.config.adminPassword=TOP_SECRET

Note that organization, adminEmail and adminPassword are mandatory.

With enterprise license

$ helm install -n conduktor --create-namespace platform conduktor/platform-controller \
   --set platform.config.license=YOUR_LICENSE \
   --set platform.config.organization=YOUR_ORGANIZATION \
   --set \
   --set platform.config.adminPassword=TOP_SECRET

Versions matrix

See compatibility matrix for more details. To know which version of this chart deploy which version of the Conduktor.


This Helm chart will deploy the Platform-controller that is responsible to deploy the Conduktor Platform on the same namespace.

Optionally it can deploy a Postgresql and/or a Kafka cluster inside the same namespace for demo purpose.

More details on the documentation.


Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry ""
global.imagePullSecrets Docker login secrets name for image pull []

Controller parameters

Conduktor Controller parameters

Name Description Value
controller.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
controller.image.registry Platform Controller image registry
controller.image.repository Platform Controller image repository conduktor/platform-controller
controller.image.pullPolicy Platform Controller image pull policy Always
controller.image.tag Platform Controller image tag 0.15.0
controller.commonLabels Common labels to add to all resources {}
controller.securityContext Optionally specify some Security Context. {}
controller.commonAnnotations Common annotations to add to all resources {}
controller.serviceAccount.create Create Kubernetes service account. true Service account name override conduktor-controller
controller.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the platform controller 100m
controller.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the platform controller 128Mi
controller.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests for platform controller 100m
controller.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests for platform controller 128Mi
controller.ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource false
controller.ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class name for the controller "" Platform controller Host controller.local
controller.ingress.extraHosts An array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with this ingress record. []
controller.ingress.tls.enabled Enable TLS for the controller ingress false Host nil
controller.ingress.tls.secretRef Secret name with keystore to load ""
controller.ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the ingress {}
controller.service.annotations Annotations for controller service {}
controller.service.http.port HTTP port 8080
controller.extraEnvVars Array with extra environment variables []
controller.extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars ""
controller.extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars ""
controller.metrics.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable ServiceMonitor prometheus operator configuration for metrics scrapping false
controller.metrics.prometheus.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Specify additional relabeling of metrics []
controller.metrics.prometheus.serviceMonitor.relabelings Specify general relabeling []
controller.podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the controller pods {}
controller.affinity Affinity for pod assignment of the controller {}

Platform parameters

Conduktor Platform parameters

Name Description Value
platform.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment. []
platform.commonLabels Common labels to add to all resources {}
platform.image Optionally specify an image to use for the platform. {}
platform.image.registry Platform image registry  
platform.image.repository Platform image repository  
platform.image.tag Platform image tag. The major and minor version must be compatible with the platform version that is supported by the current controller version.  
platform.ignoreImageConstraints When true allows the use of any tag and bypasses the constraint on tag versions. false
platform.securityContext Optionally specify some Security Context. {}
platform.affinity Affinity for pod assignment of the platform {} Name of the service account that will be used by the platform ""
platform.existingSecret Existing secret for platform ""
platform.service.type Kubernetes service type. Only support ClusterIP or NodePort ClusterIP Name of the platform service platform
platform.service.annotations Annotations for platform service {}
platform.service.ports.platform Platform service port 80
platform.service.nodePorts.platform Specify the platform nodePort for the NodePort service type ""
platform.service.clusterIP Specify the service IP for the ClusterIP service type ""
platform.config.replicas Number of replicas for the platform controller 1 Name of the platform controller platform
platform.config.organization Your organizations name (mandatory) ""
platform.config.adminEmail Email of the admin user (mandatory) ""
platform.config.adminPassword Password of the admin user (mandatory) ""
platform.config.external_url Force platform external URL, useful for SSO callback URL when using reverse proxy. ""
platform.config.containerPorts.platform Platform exposed and listening port 8080
platform.config.modules.console Enable or disable the console module true
platform.config.modules.data_masking Enable or disable the data masking module true
platform.config.modules.monitoring Enable or disable the monitoring module true
platform.config.modules.testing Enable or disable the testing module false
platform.config.modules.governance Enable or disable the governance module true S3 bucket name "" S3 endpoint "" S3 access key "" S3 secret key "" S3 region "" S3 insecure true
platform.config.sso.enabled Enable or disable the SSO (only on enterprise plan) false
platform.config.sso.ignoreUntrustedCertificate Disable SSL checks false LDAP connection name ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.server LDAP server host and port ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.managerDn Sets the manager DN ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.managerPassword Sets the manager password ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.searchBase Sets the base DN to search ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.groups.enabled Sets if group search is enabled false
platform.config.sso.ldap.groups.base Sets the base DN to search from ""
platform.config.sso.ldap.groups.filter Sets the group search filter "" OAuth2 connection name ""
platform.config.sso.oauth2.default Use as default true
platform.config.sso.oauth2.clientId OAuth2 client id ""
platform.config.sso.oauth2.clientSecret OAuth2 client secret ""
platform.config.sso.oauth2.openid.issuer Issuer to check on token ""
platform.config.license Enterprise license key. If not provided, fallback to free plan. ""
platform.config.database Database configuration. If postgresql.enable is true, it will configure the database with postgresql.auth values Database host. If postgresql.enable is true, it will configure the database host to the postgresql pod name. e.g: platform-postgresql ""
platform.config.database.port Database port 5432
platform.config.database.username Database user. If postgresql.enable is true, it will take the postgresql.auth.username value ""
platform.config.database.password Database password, can be a string or can reference a secret. If postgresql.enable is true, it will take the postgresql.auth.password value "" Database name. If postgresql.enable is true, it will take the postgresql.auth.database value postgres
platform.config.tls.enabled Enable TLS for the platform (at pod level) false
platform.config.tls.cert Raw TLS certificate ""
platform.config.tls.key Raw TLS certificate ""
platform.config.tls.existingSecret Secret name with certificate (must have keys: tls.crt, tls.key) ""
platform.extraEnvVars Array with extra environment variables []
platform.extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars ""
platform.extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars ""
platform.ingress.enabled Enable ingress platform resource false
platform.ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class name for the platform "" Platform host platform.local
platform.ingress.tls.enabled Enable Platform TLS false Platform Host nil
platform.ingress.tls.secretRef Secret name with keystore to load ""
platform.ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the ingress {}
platform.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the platform container 4000m
platform.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the container 8Gi
platform.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests 2000m
platform.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests 4Gi


Enable and configure chart dependencies if not available in your deployment

Name Description Value
postgresql.enabled Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart true
postgresql.auth.username Name for a custom user to create conduktor
postgresql.auth.password Password for the custom user to create conduktorpassword
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword Password for the “postgres” admin user. ""
postgresql.auth.database Name for a custom database to create conduktor_platform
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars for PostgreSQL Primary nodes postgresql-extra-env-vars
minio.enabled Switch to enable or disable the Minio helm chart true
minio.mode Minio mode (standalone or distributed) standalone
minio.disableWebUI Toggle Minio Console true
minio.defaultBuckets Default buckets to create conduktor-monitoring
minio.auth.rootUser Root access key ""
minio.auth.rootPassword Root secret key ""
minio.auth.existingSecret Name of existing secret containing minio credentials (must contain root-user and root-password keys) ""
minio.persistence.enabled Enable Minio persistence true
minio.persistence.size Size of Minio volume 8Gi
kafka.enabled Deploy a kafka alongside platform-controller (This should only be used for testing purpose) false


$ helm delete -n conduktor platform

Platform configuration

Generate doc

Install readme-generator-for-helm

readme-generator --readme -v values.yaml


How to configure TLS for the platform

This guide will help you to deploy Conduktor Platform with TLS enabled, using your own certificates. It can be achieved with two methods:

Give your certificate to the chart

  1. Update platform.config.tls.enabled value to true
  2. Update platform.config.tls.cert value with your raw certificate
  3. Update platform.config.tls.key value with your raw certificate key

Use of a custom TLS secret:

  1. Create a secret with your certificates (how-to)
  2. Update the platform.config.tls.enabled value to true
  3. Update the platform.config.tls.existingSecret value to the name of your secret (must have keys: tls.crt, tls.key)
  4. Deploy the chart

Note: Depending on your ingress controller, you may need to add additional annotations to your ingress (e.g nginx).


If you deployed Prometheus operator, this chart optionally can create a Prometheus service monitor.

        enabled: false

Also, you could use the pod annotation.

  podAnnotations: "true" "8080" "/metrics"


Does the platform-controller is like a Kubernetes operator?

yes this is similar to an operator but we don’t define Custom Resource Definition (CRD) we follow the controller pattern

Need Help!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us on Discord